Today I got a notice that my Citibank credit card will be charging a 3% service charge for purchases made in foreign currencies. I think that's a bit ridiculous. As if the dollar wasn't weak enough already, now this nonsense. I'll just stick to my debit card as much as I can, or use a different card if I have to.
Speaking of which, everything is still up in the air for this summer. If we don't find jobs in Germany, it's looking like we'll be taking a 3-week trip visiting 7 or eight different cities in 7 or 8 different countries. We're thinking we could land in Lisbon, then head to Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, then Rome. Any suggestions?
That would be really expensive though. Like $3500ish. Maybe more. But it would be fun, and I could use a good adventure. I'd much prefer to live in Berlin for the summer though.
Today we watched Orphée in my French Theatre class. Jean Cocteau is always really interesting. We also watched a bit of "Le Sang d'un poète," which I really really like.
Ugh... I just typed a bunch of stuff and then I pressed control Z to erase one thing and it erased the entire paragraph. Control Z works just fine in Microsoft Word but I guess it doesn't work in here. That was dumb.
I was just complaining about "La Chartreuse de Parme" that I can't seem to finish, and that I'll probably miss my midnight deadline to post online about it. I've been on time every other week so I feel that I'm entitled to at least one late post.
I'm going to go attempt to read...
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